
Compatibility with Freedom WON lithium batteries

Continuing its partnership development with lithium battery manufacturers, Imeon Energy announces the compatibility of its hybrid inverters with the South Africa based battery manufacturer Freedom WON. The numerous tests carried out make it possible to establish compatibility and communication between the inverter and the battery and thus ensure optimal operation of the overall system with a high level of security.

The Freedom Lite battery range offers the latest generation of energy storage with an increased lifespan compared to other energy storage options. The Freedom Lite Home range covers the varying needs of home owners and even small business premises with models ranging from the Freedom Lite Home 5/4 to the largest 30/21. These models are wall mounted offering the ultimate in space saving. All models integrates the necessary Battery Management System (BMS).
Freedom Won, was founded in 2011 with the completion of their first electric vehicle conversion prototype – the Jeep Grand Cheroke (dubbed Freedom1). They have since built several more electric vehicles. The Lithium battery technology has proven so successful, they further developed solutions for static energy storage using this same technology. Commissioning of these energy storage solutions started in 2014 and in April 2015 they launched their new Freedom Lite energy storage battery.