Become a beta tester

  • Help us make the next versions of OS-1 and IMEON Online the best to date. As a member of the IMEON ENERGY beta software program, you can take part in the design of IMEON software by registering your inverter to access the public beta versions and benefit from the latest features.
    * : required fields
  • Owner of the installation

  • Installer

    • I authorize the company IMEON ENERGY to make updates and settings of my IMEON inverter remotely via internet.
    • I give access to my monitoring data to the company that made my installation.
    • I am aware that the updates made are intended to modify the operation of my installation or to add new functionalities and I have taken into account that these modifications may temporarily lead to unusual behavior of my inverter and / or erroneous data on my monitoring interface.
    • I agree to regularly inform my installer or IMEON any unusual behavior of my inverter or any data that seems to me to be wrong and which is indicated on my monitoring interface.